Too cold to blog

It’s not really too cold to blog, but the weather has been “changeable”.  We have gone from a mini-UK heatwave to shivering & having to put the heating on in June.

Atilla, Cagney & Bezukhov do not know whether to shed their feathers or keep hold of them.

Over the last few weeks they have all either moulted, stopped moulting and/or started moulting again.  Atilla started moulting first & apart from the odd loss of flight feather, appears to have stopped moulting.  Not so long ago, Bezukhov had a head full of pins.  He got rid of these & became all sleek & handsome again.  However, he now has some more head pins…  Cagney appeared to escape the moult until recently where he has started losing lots of feathers, including a tail feather. 

I blame the changing weather!

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