Hybrid Budgie

It has been awhile since I posted a ‘hybrid’ budgie picture.  The see-saw swing with the central mirror can throw up some interesting combinations!

Here is the green yellow-faced-lavender-belly-white-backed budgie:


And the more difficult to capture white-faced-blue-belly-green-normal-backed budgie:

Frediano & Moriarty


Tales from Quarantine – Thirty-Five Second Tour (8 of 8)

Moriarty puts his tour guide hat on & shows us around his quarantine cage:


Tour Itinerary

0:01: Begin on diagonal perch

0:05 Dried grass

0:08 Ladder

0:13 Platform perch

0:18 Perch where mirror is

0:24 Food bowl

0:25 Swing

0:27 Diagonal perch & platform perch (again)

0:28 Diagonal perch (again)

0:30 Middle of cage (flying area)

0:32 Conclude on perch where mirror is


Don’t give up the day job, Moriarty!



Tales from Quarantine – Shiny Things (4 of 8)

Moriarty is a fan of shiny things.  This was apparent quite early on.  He was often playing with the bell at the bottom of his chewy toy & the bells on the bottom of his swing.

His mirror gets a lot of attention which is probably expected for a bird that was on his own.

I suspected he would appreciate the disco ball, which he does!

I love my disco ball!


I love these shiny bells!


I love this bell!


Cor, what a handsome chappy!





Swing failure

The other day I heard a loud clunk.  When I looked up, Phineas was on the floor of his cage looking a bit confused.

He had jumped on his ttmss swing & the perch section gave way.  Poor boy.  That was his bedtime swing & his all round chill out, best perching position.

I checked his swing to see if it could be repaired in any way, but the plastic hole that holds a side of the perch section had a gap in it.  I decided that a replacement was needed.  In the meantime, I gave him the toyboys ttmss swing.  They do not use their swing nearly as much as Phinny uses his so I thought they would not miss it too much.  Phineas had his bedtime swing back.  He was pleased & order in the universe had been restored.

(Click on photos to enlarge)

You can see from the photos above that the replacement swing is very colourful.  A perch on the toyboys’ swing had a hairline crack in it so I merged it with Phinny’s swing.

After an internet search I found the same swing but the cost of postage was extortionate.  I decided to go for a slightly different swing.  When it arrived, I put it in the toyboys’ manor.  As yet it has not been touched….

Top: new swing Bottom: broken swing
Top: new swing
Bottom: broken swing

Bedtime gymnastics

Come bedtime, I find that Cagney & Bezukhov settle down quite quickly.  When the final big cover goes over, there is usually a last bit of faffing but otherwise they appear keen to get to sleep.

Phineas tends to take a bit longer to wind down & whilst the toyboys are already snoozing in the manor, Phineas uses the time, in his own cage, to chew on various toys.  After a while, he puffs up & also settles down.

ttmss_swing3ttmss_swing4Mostly, he sleeps overnight on the left hand side of the ttmss swing.  If he is not already on it, when his big cover goes on, he makes his way over.

A few nights ago when I peeked in under the cover, things seemed different & I had to squint to make out that Phineas was sitting on the right hand side of the ttmss swing rather than the left.  Odd, but entirely acceptable.  I thought nothing of it.

Last night it seems he wanted to shake things up a bit more.  He mounted his ttmss swing as per usual, but whilst it was swinging, he was ducking under the mirror in the middle to reach the perch on the right hand side.  This seemed a long winded way to get there, being as he could just slip around the side.  Anyway, after a bit of faffing, he managed to get to the right hand side perch.  Unfortunately he was facing outwards & not towards the mirror so he had to maneuver himself around.  I thought he would settle there but no, it seems not.  He stretched across to the normal swing, sat on there for a second, then jumped onto the rope perch on the side.  What now?  Back to the ttmss swing!

normal_swing20140224_125018_sh21bYes, he went back over to the ttmss swing & again, whilst it was swinging, made his way under the mirror section to the right hand side.  (By this time, I had pulled up a chair so I could comfortably watch instead of bending down to peek under the cover).  Will he settle on the right hand side of the ttmss swing as he did the other night?  No.  He decided he wanted to get to the left hand side but instead of going under or around the side, decided to go over.  How he did it, I really do not know, but did it he did!  He managed to get up & squeeze himself through the gap between the ttmss swing & the top of the cage.

Once on the left hand side, he then ducked underneath to get to the right hand side again, transferred himself over to the normal swing, then the rope perch, then back across the cage to the ttmss swing!  At the last peek, he settled, as usual, on the left hand side of the ttmss swing.

It is times like that when I fully understand why Cagney & Bezukhov do not want Phinny to sleep overnight with them. 😀