The little red seed pot

Last year, when Bezukhov lost weight, I encouraged him to eat by following him around & offering food at every opportunity.  One of the things I used was the little red seed pot.

Little red seed pots
Little red seed pots

The little pot is the bottom of a fountain seed feeder.  I like the little pot because it is… well… it is little (!) & shallow.  It is handy for putting small amounts of food in, like chopped vegetables.  I have used them a lot in the past but not so much now as the bars of the Manor are too widely spaced and the Silver Villa has vertical bars.

During the drive to help Bezukhov put weight back on, I would also offer food to Phineas (hence two little red seed pots) in the hope that Bezukhov’s flock mentality would kick in & he would eat too.  All this worked in the sense that Bezukhov regained his lost weight but it had the unfortunate consequence of Phineas becoming overweight!  At this point I scaled down use of the little red seed pots.  I would only offer it to Bezukhov (usually when Phineas was otherwise engaged).

Over time, the little red seed pot has become Bezukhov’s pot.  His weight is no longer an issue but I still offer it to him when it looks like he wants to eat in peace.  It is ‘our thing’.  When Bezukhov wants to eat from it, he usually goes to the top of the Villa door & looks down at my (empty) hands.  At which point I get the seed pot & hold it up to him for some one-on-one bonding time.

The only recent change has been Dalai’s presence.  Though Dalai is not tame, he is curious.  He has noticed this little red seed pot ritual & approached recently when he saw Bezukhov eating from it.  I have encouraged Dalai’s curiosity as any way to get him closer to my hand & to see that I am not a threat, is welcome.  Twice now, Dalai has been brave enough to eat from the little pot (with me holding it!)  Bezukhov still gets his opportunity to eat from it & I do not see that ritual changing any time soon.

Who knew that a little red seed pot could be so pivotal, significant & useful?



5 thoughts on “The little red seed pot

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